Lagos is a city of dreams, but it’s also a city of nightmares, especially regarding land or buying a house. Every day, unsuspecting buyers fall into the traps set by ruthless fraudsters, losing their hard-earned money and sometimes even their peace of mind.


Land and Property for sale scams in Lagos are rampant, and if you don’t know how to spot them, you could be next. Here’s a look at the most common land scams in Lagos and how to avoid becoming a victim.


1. The Non-Existent Plot of Land This is one of the oldest tricks in the book. You find what seems to be the perfect plot of land, the price is right, and the seller is eager to close the deal. Everything looks legit – until you hand over your money.


Then, the seller vanishes, and you realize that the land or house in Lagos state you just bought doesn’t even exist or is owned by someone else. The pain of losing your savings hits you hard, and the reality of being scammed sinks in.


How to Avoid It: Never, ever buy a land or house in Lagos state without conducting a thorough verification. Check the title deeds at the Land Registry, verify the seller's identity, and consult a reputable lawyer like Omonilelawyer. If the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Walk away.


2. The Multiple Sale Scam Imagine buying a plot of land or house in Lagos state, only to discover that someone else has bought the same land or house from the same seller.


This is a multiple-sale scam, where fraudsters sell the same plot of land or house to multiple buyers. The result? A legal mess that could take years to untangle, leaving you without the land or your money.


How to Avoid It: Before buying a land or house in Lagos state, ensure that the land or house isn’t under any form of dispute. Conduct a physical inspection and confirm that the land or house has not been previously sold.


Use a trusted lawyer like Omonilelawyer to check for any existing transactions related to the land. Always insist on a receipt and written agreement during the purchase process.


3. The Omonile Extortion Scheme Omoniles (local land grabbers or families who claim ownership of lands) can make your life a living hell if you’re not careful.


Even after you’ve legally purchased a piece of land or house in Lagos state, Omoniles may show up demanding additional payments, claiming you owe them for “land use” or “community development fees.”


If you refuse to pay, they might harass or even threaten you, leaving you trapped in a never-ending cycle of extortion.


How to Avoid It: Before buying a land or house in Lagos state, investigate whether there are any Omonile claims on the property. Engage local authorities and the community to understand the history of the land or house in Lagos.


Better yet, buy land from reputable developers with a proven track record and avoid dealing directly with Omoniles. Always have a legal expert like Omonilelawyer present during negotiations.


 4. The More You Look the Less You See Land Scam: This scam is as simple as it is heartbreaking. You pay for a piece of land or house in Lagos state that doesn’t exist. Fraudsters are masters at creating fake documents and elaborate stories to convince you that the land is real.


But once they have your money, they disappear, leaving you with nothing but a worthless piece of paper.


How to Avoid It: Always verify the existence of the land or house in Lagos state at the Land Registry Lagos. Visit the site in person and consult with local authorities to confirm that the land is real and not under any dispute.


A trusted real estate lawyer like Omonilelawyer should be involved in every step of the transaction. Never rely solely on the seller’s word or documents.


5. The Survey Plan Scam A survey plan is supposed to give you an accurate description of the land or house, but in Lagos, even this can be a scam.


Fraudulent surveyors will give you fake or outdated survey plans, leading you to buy land or house in Lagos state that’s either different from what you were shown or not for sale at all. The moment you realize you’ve been tricked, it’s too late – your money is gone.


How to Avoid It: Only work with licensed surveyors and verify the survey plan with the appropriate authorities. Don’t just accept a survey plan at face value; cross-check it with the Land Registry Lagos.


If possible, get a second opinion from another surveyor before making any payments.


6. The Government Acquisition Trap: In Lagos,a  land or house under government acquisition is a ticking time bomb. You might buy land at a seemingly great price, only to find out later that it’s earmarked for government projects.


This means you could lose the land or house in  without any compensation, leaving you high and dry.


How to Avoid It: Before purchasing any land or house in Lagos state, confirm with the Land Bureau that the land is free from government acquisition. If the land or house in Lagos state has been acquired by the government but not yet compensated, steer clear – it’s not worth the risk.


Legal advice from an experienced property lawyer like Omonilelawyer is crucial here to ensure you’re not buying off-limits land.


7. The Fake Title Deed Scam This is one of the most common scams in Lagos. You’re shown a title deed that appears legitimate, but in reality, it’s a forgery. The scammers know all the tricks – they might even show you fake documents from the Land Registry to convince you.


Once you pay, the deed is worthless, and you’ve lost everything.


How to Avoid It: Always verify the title deed with the Land Registry yourself or through a trusted lawyer like Omonilelawyer. Don’t just take the seller’s word for it.


Check the history of the land or house in Lagos state to ensure there are no disputes or previous sales. If anything seems off, walk away.


8. The Fake Excision Scam In Lagos, an excision is a government process that releases land back to the community for private ownership. Fraudsters take advantage of this by selling land that supposedly has an excision, only for you to find out later that it doesn’t.


You’re left with land that can’t be legally developed, and getting your money back is nearly impossible.


How to Avoid It: Verify the excision status of the land with the Land Bureau Lagos. If the land or property doesn’t have a valid excision, don’t buy it.


Consult with a real estate lawyer like Omonilelawyer who can help you navigate the complex excision process and ensure you’re not buying an off-limits land.


9. The Omonile Nightmare Omoniles, the local landowners or claimants, are notorious for causing problems in Lagos land transactions.


Even after purchasing land, you might find yourself harassed by Omoniles demanding additional payments or claiming that you owe them for various "fees." This can escalate into threats and violence, leaving you in a precarious position.


How to Protect Yourself: Before buying land or house in Lagos state, research the history of the property and check for any Omonile claims. Engage with the local community and authorities to understand the situation on the ground.


Always use a trusted real estate agent or developer with a proven track record, and have a lawyer like Omonilelawyer present during all negotiations.


10. The Encumbrance Scam An encumbrance is a legal claim on the land by someone other than the owner, such as a mortgage or lien. In Lagos, fraudsters often sell lands or houses in Lagos state that are heavily encumbered, leaving the buyer to deal with the legal mess.


The stress and financial burden of resolving these issues can be overwhelming, and in many cases, the buyer loses both the land or house and the money.


How to Avoid It:  Always conduct a thorough search at the Land Registry to check for any encumbrances on the land. A property lawyer like Omonilelawyer can help you with this process and ensure that the land or house in Lagos state is free of any claims before you buy it.


If the seller is unwilling to provide clear documentation, walk away.


The Fake Documentation Scheme In Lagos, fake documents are a dime a dozen. From forged title deeds to counterfeit survey plans, fraudsters use these fake documents to lure in buyers.


You might think you’ve secured a great deal, only to discover that the documents are worthless and the land isn’t yours.


How to Avoid It: Never accept documents at face value. Always verify them with the relevant authorities, such as the Land Registry and the Surveyor-General’s office.


Engage a trusted lawyer like Omonilelawyer who can help you identify fake documents and ensure that the transaction is legitimate. If the seller is unwilling to allow verification, that’s a clear sign to walk away.


In conclusion, the pain of falling for a land or property scam in Lagos is all too real. It’s not just about losing money; it’s about the emotional and psychological impact of realizing you’ve been duped.


The key to avoiding these scams is simple: do your homework. Verify everything, consult professionals, and never rush into a deal. In Lagos, the cost of ignorance is far too high.


Tired of Lagos property scams? Don't let property fraud ruin your dreams. Omonilelawyer is here to help. Verify your land or property with our expert team and avoid costly legal battles.


Omonilelawyer offers expert verification services to ensure a safe and secure investment. Don't risk financial ruin. Call 07036681104 or 08077943514 today for a consultation.